“Master,” said John, we saw a man driving out demons in your name and we tried to stop him, because he is not one of us.”
“Do not stop him,” Jesus said, “for whoever is not against you is for you.”
– Luke 9:49-50
After I noted in a recent message that September is my favorite month, a friend told me about the song Sweet September. I checked it out on YouTube, and the lyrics tell of a sweet past relationship.
This September we create new sweet memories understanding that, as Jesus taught, “whoever is not against us is for us.” The process for our becoming interfaith instead of just Christian moves ahead. The committee working on our becoming interfaith adopted a concise mission: “Working together for justice.” Note that actions and being in relationship matter, not beliefs and group identity.
Our new logo reflects this:

The logo designed by Tigerlilly Bowlsby boldly puts forth a bright image of diversity in motion together for transformation.
Join us for this historic event. Registration is now open for our annual gathering in Cheyenne, October 19-20. “Finding Common Ground” is appropriately the theme when WAC (Wyoming Association of Churches) becomes WIN (Wyoming Interfaith Network). Click here to learn more and to register.
Other Announcements:
Acceptance of applications for the Executive Director position closes on September 20. Click here for job description. For more information, call board chair Carl Carmichael at 307-421-7575. Send applications to carl.carmichael@wyo.gov (Note that his former email address is no longer valid.) With a resume, send a cover letter and names and contact information for four references.
There is still space to register for the “Understanding the Muslim Faith” Conversations this Saturday in Casper.
Limited space has opened up in the “Undoing Racism” Workshop in Cheyenne October 27-28. Check our website or call Chesie at 307-761-0755.
More will be announced later about the “Undoing Racism” Workshop in Riverton.
Fear not. Be bold. Do justice.
Chesie Lee