Dear WIN Community:
This Thursday, March 8, 2018, is International Women's Day and International . It is also known as the United Nations International Women’s Rights Day and Day of Peace. And March is also National Social Worker month. And February 14 is often the day of coming together across the globe to celebrate One Billion Rising up together against violence against women.
On Saturday, March 3, 2018, at 11:00 am in front of the Supreme Court Building in Cheyenne, Grace United Methodist Church and Zonta Club of Cheyenne organized the 4th Annual Rally for Women's Rights. This event is designed to raise awareness and continued community action in the prevention of violence against women and girls.
I have been honored to be invited to speak at this event in 2017 and 2018. If you are interested in reading my speech, please find it here.
This year, I spoke from my experience as a social worker, a counselor, and an educator. My message this year is that we are beginning to make progress in the movement to address violence against women and girls through the #metoo and #time'sup movements. Nevertheless, it is important that we continue to dig deeper and address core issues and intersections of racism, poverty, related historical and intergenerational grief and trauma, and other forms of oppression in order to authentically eradicate violence, in all its forms, against women and girls.
I am grateful for my position at the Wyoming Interfaith Network to continue in this work together, as we address social justice issues. In the coming months, I will be working to examine some funding opportunities to empower WIN to play a vital role in Wyoming to foster safe, supportive, equitable, and socially just communities for all.
I wish you a peaceful week!
Susie Markus, Ph.D.
Executive Director
Wyoming Interfaith Network